Carnatica inaugurated the Samarpanam 2009 at the MGR College auditorium on the 18th of December, 2009.
They started the concert with a Veena recital , as Mangala Isai , in place of the usual Nagaswaram. this was followed by a small function for a CD release of a veena concert of Jayalakshmi Sekhar, The first copy was received by B.Krishnamoorthy. Sri.V.V.Sundaram, Si.Ilaya Bharati and Sri.Nageswaran graced the dais.
Sri V.V.Sundaram spoke about the contents of the CD and urged everyone to support the cause of buying CDS. He also spoke very highly of the multifaceted capabilities of Sangita Kalanidhi Madurai T.N.Seshagopalan who was to give the first concert of the Carnatica series. Sri>ilaya Bharati spoke about the Carnatica team's efforts in propagating Classical music and their interaction with students and the public. Sri B.Krishnamoorthy blessed the young team members of the Carnatica team viz. Sashikiran, Ramanathan and Sowmya.He also praised SriT.N.Seshagopalan and Smt.Jayalakshmi Sekhar and thanked everyone for inviting him. Sashikiran proposed a vote of thanks
This was followed by an excellent concert of Madurai T.N.Seshagopalan, supported by Sri.Delhi Sunderrajan on the violinand Sri.Srimushnam Raja Rao on the mridangam and Sri.Vaikom R.Gopalakrishnan on the ghatam.
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