Iyal-Isai-Nataka Vizha is what Narada Gana Sabha calls its December Music, dance and drama festival. The inauguration of this year's festival happened on Dec. 13.
A digitally lit arch with a giant image of a flute in 3D effect adorned the entrance like a temple festival. And inside the hall on the dias were a few swami's among the artistes.
The awardees of the evening were Veena vidushi R. S. Jayalakshmi, violin vidwan M. S. Gopalakrishnan and Nadaswaram artiste MPN Ponnusamy of the popular duo MPN Sethuraman and MPN Ponnusamy, who played nadaswaram for a few films including Thillana Mohanabal.
On the award ceremony, an interesting combination on the stage is beloew:

R. Krishnaswamyof Narada Gana Sabha, V. Gopalaswami, former Chief Election Commissioner, MPN Ponnuswamy and senior vidwan P.S. Narayanaswamy!
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